The Case for Ultimate Independence…

We are now being called to internalize our Authority and to internalize our Sovereignty.

Not too long ago I sold, or gave away, seven heaping boxes of, primarily, patriarchal non-duality…the spiritual teachings of neti-neti.

Those teachings were never my own…they never resonated.

In so many ways, those teachings were presented as the only viable path to Truth…much in the same way that my former teacher, Nome, was presented as the only ‘awakened’ teacher in this country.

Some have called me “anti-teacher.” 🙂 

Yet…that was certainly never the case. This is a deeply devoted Heart to many teachers and, more importantly, to Freedom.

What I am “anti,”  or against, are teachers who lie, deceive and look to control others. No matter the reason…perhaps most especially if that reason appears to be a “lofty” one. At some point, I became the inadvertent ‘holder’ for the lies of an awakening ‘scheme’ — a scheme to awaken Humanity — throughout the non-dual community. The gigantic karmic load for those deceptions was deliberately foisted, solely, on these shoulders. The lies were so extensive as to require the complete control over this life…effectively blocking the Freedom this Soul demanded in this lifetime.

In a very real sense (and certainly what happened in this life), nihilistic, or radical non-duality is the perfect set-up for abuse.

The Dogma of Patriarchal Control: ⚛️

Both of my former teachers would occasionally denounce anything deemed as “New Age.”

Yet, it was/is those very modalities…such as crystals, the pendulum (or dousing), energy work (particularly daily clearing of the auric field), water (the medium for The Light), numerology (direct confirmations from Spirit/your Higher Self), intuitive Astrology (a past, present and future uncannily-accurate roadmap of your Soul — not ‘prescriptive’ as we have ‘free will), intuitive Tarot (deLightful and direct, channeled messaging from your Soul), the natural world and the magnificent healing properties that surround and permeate us.

Those modalities were, and are,  precisely the mechanisms that would, ultimately, extricate me from the existential controls…and the complex-web-of-lies…of my former teachers.

Our True Nature is easily channeled, and recognized, by the sincere Heart through a simple asking.…an on-going dialogue with The Universe.

It is the primary difference between the Patriarchal approach – and the hyper-hypocrisy of the dualism-of-non-duality…of the splitting (or separating out ) of anything, most especially our Humanity – and the Feminine, all inclusive, approach…where everything is (already) included…and always has been included.

The patriarchal separating out…or splitting-off…of our sacred Bodies and precious Minds effectively eliminated the most efficacious portals into transcendence (if transcendence is your goal). 

WHAT, on God’s Sacred Earth, needs transcending?!

The Existential Danger of Nihilistic, Radical Non-Duality: ⚛️

The age of the external teacher, guide and/or Guru is rapidly drawing to a close: ending an era that spans generations and thousands of years…an era where there has been enormous benefit and an equally enormous — if not greater — calamity for many who fell into the abyss of abuse and control.

It’s the unfortunate downside of power…and of falling prey to a supposed power outside of our innate Divinity.

We have everything we need…inside of ourselves…for any Answer that would be forthcoming and beholden to Unconditional Love. No teacher, in the Human form, could possibly, ever, know the trajectory of any given Soul.

It is the rightful claiming of the birthright of our integral  sovereignty, creativity and authenticity.

Welcome Home. We have everything we need.

-Leslie Read

Please feel free to contact me should you have anything to share related to this content or any questions: ⚛️

The Mistake of Equating Non-duality with Spirituality

For the past 30+ years I made the common mistake of many spiritual seekers: that of equating non-duality with awakening…and spirituality, in general.

That misconception, alone…greatly hindered me from even beginning to report on the existential harm that had occurred at the hands of non-dual teachers.

That misconception, alone…prevented me from accessing my own direct line to God, Source, Spirit. Accessing my own direct line, was critical, to gain the Guidance I needed as I found myself under existential control due to being the inadvertent ‘holder’ for the lies of non-dual teachers…teachers who were intent on protecting their brand at all costs…including the existential control over the lives of others.

While non-duality is a scientific fact it is not the sum-total of Spirituality.

Equating non-duality with Spirituality ensured that I would place all those who had ‘awakened to the non-dual truth’ as, somehow, authorities in the spiritual world. Their support in the, then, air-tight non-dual community on social media indicated I was ‘valued’ if I would remain supplicant to being silenced (under threat) and isolated. There was the dangerous, and false, notion that one can awaken to non-duality while being so heavily controlled. The karma of those teachers was quite literally…and deliberately…foisted on these shoulders to ensure the lies of my former teachers would never become public knowledge. (Adyashanti indicated to non-dual teacher, Susanne Marie, that I ought to be able to ‘awaken’ while continuing to hold the deceptions of those teachers.)

It was, by far, the vast majority of those that I knew to be ‘awake to non-duality’ who actually lied directly to me regarding their knowledge of my former teachers and of what occurred at their hands. The deceptions formed what Matt Licata described as a ‘cosmic betrayal.’ That description by Matt accurately indicated the vast scope of deception found in the non-dual space.

To this day Nome, Russell Smith, Candace O’Denver and Adyashanti have not owned their own lies surrounding the structuring of SAT, Great Freedom/Balanced View and Open Gate. Instead, they have structured a community of ‘truth’ bolstered and protected by SAND, BatGap, ASI etc…and have foisted the burden of their lies on these shoulders.

There is an extreme disconnect, on the Human level, that comes with defining ‘awakening’ solely as being ‘awake’ to non-duality.  We’ve all seen that one can be awake to Wholeness and yet that, in no way, means one is free from shadow or is somehow a balanced and decent Human. One can be awake to Oneness and still be creating delusions and, worse yet, harming others in the process.

I am arguably my own, most extreme, example of the harm that can occur at the hands of those ‘awake’ (solely) to non-duality. The example of my life was described by Aile Shebar as akin to being “buried alive.” That…is an accurate description.

Under the extreme duress of having been silenced, under threat, and isolated, I began…after much initial resistance which had been programmed by Nome…to look into various ‘new age’ modalities to help dig-out from under such a controlling quagmire. I became firm in my resolve that I would use anything that would help.

Additionally…especially in response to the very real stalking via siddis (occult powers)…I amassed what I refer to as my Spirit Family. This ‘Spirit Family’ was comprised of eleven (11) Beings consisting of Arch-Angels, Creator Beings, The Christ and Mary and several other Spiritual heavy-weights of historical significance who were special to me on my path.

More particularly, since my move to Portland, OR…when this siddhic (occult) pushback greatly intensified, primarily as existential intimidation…I began a daily practice of clearing my ‘auric field’ of shadow that was not natively my own. If I had one piece of advice…it would be to clear your aura daily.



Out of desperation…and feeling woefully inadequate to deal with high-level siddhis aimed directly at me for malevolent purposes (siddhis can, literally, do anything) I prayed to the entirety of my Guides daily. I made a practice of addressing-them-by-name as it was/is my feeling that being very specific to who you are praying to is far more efficacious than addressing The Universe at large!

This dynamic was a process that unfolded over time…with a learning and listening-curve. Bit-by-bit the answers would come. The Guidance was, most typically, felt in the form ‘download.’ This ‘download’ would come in the form of a tapestry-of-information, incoming, all-at-once.

The gist of that ‘information’ was deeply Supportive…to continue on with what I was doing.

As with any learning curve outside our 3D reality it’s the remembering…and trusting…of the messages that is the trickiest. Over time the messages…and Messengers… became clear enough. The Support felt real enough.

The Guidance was clear: to finally name-the-names of the teachers involved and then, later, the many who were complicit in covering for their actions.

I was being encouraged by Spirit to report on those who I had, at one time, considered to be the ‘highest.’

If Spirit was encouraging me to speak-out about harm at the hands of non-dual teachers…then what did THAT say about the state of ‘awakening’ of all those I was reporting on?!?

Warmly, ~Leslie ❣️

Please feel free to contact me should you have anything to share related to this content or any questions: ⚛️

Aso on Substack…

Non-Dual Teachers: my view

Lit Poppy taken at night…during ‘The Compression Years’ with an iPhone 5

The following is in dialogue (March 21, 2022) with Scott Funkhouser (aka Scott Kiloby) and his recent comment to me: “You’ve become anti-teacher.”

My response: 

“You make an important point regarding teachers, in general, and especially those who are currently acting teachers. I am not anti-teacher. I am anti-teachers who lie. I am anti-teachers who take no responsibility for their actions…and who use the very teachings to gaslight those who are reporting on harm.

Most, if not all, of the teachers I have come across in person, including yourself, while they have subtly indicated a level of compassion regarding what I was forced (under threat) to hold for the better part of a decade there has not.been.a.single.acting.teacher who has stepped forth and said they definitively will not support lies, deceptions and a systemic corruption that includes collusion and cover-up involving: Nome, Russell Smith and Candace O’Denver, aka Ziji Rinpoche…cover-up, the full weight of which has landed squarely…and solely…on these shoulders.

So it’s not that I am ‘anti-teacher’ as much as I am not willing to put the safety of this life…and the lives of my family…at the hands of those who are obviously, if not subtly, lying directly to me.

Anyone who knows me would know that I have always considered a Teacher of integrity to be the most efficacious route to freedom.

I still feel that way.

Yet…point me to one teacher who has not known of my former teachers and of what occurred at their hands.

Just one teacher who has had the integrity to say…‘This is not right.’

Not even teachers who are deeply respected have said anything…which points to a systemic collusion.

As communication with Spirit has gotten clearer and clearer I am of the firm conviction that far too many seekers rely on teachers who are compromised, if for no other reason then for being merely in a body and carrying a certain amount of shadow that those very teachers may not even be aware of.

A subject that is far too extensive to broach on a comment thread.

Nonetheless…thanks for engaging me in this as it is deeply important not only for this life and the lives of my family but for anyone intent on awakening and utilizing any of the various teachers who are currently active.

Much love to you as well Scott…??❤️”

(Light of a Night-time Poppy…taken with an iPhone 5 in Santa Cruz, CA)