Astrology and The Soul’s Evolution

Our Moon with Saturn

Coming soon…

Astrology & The Soul’s Evolution

A Grande Cross & the Eris Effect

Pluto’s Ultimate Effect…and the Soul’s Journey

-Astrology is a Depth-Well of understanding the Karmic Soul-Cycles of one’s own lifetime(s). Pages will be added as there is endless growth in that understanding. Certainly nothing of a Soul’s trajectory could, possibly, ever be known by any teacher in the Human form.

-The Significance of the often Demonized Saturn

Grande Benefic Jupiter

-External Astrology Links & Resources. ❦

Deep Gratitude to the following for their intuition and their expertise in reading and de-coding the Quantum Fact of our Universe that everything and everyone is connected…and that a mote-dust can affect The All. ❦

Steven Forrest was one of the first to show me how accurately even a computer generated analysis of the birth chart can reveal past life cycles…and the way forward. This was Gold.

“From the perspective of this paradigm, instead of our astrological holy grail being a list of ‘personality traits,’ we see those personality traits as tools that a soul is using in order to fulfill an evolutionary purpose. We are all born in what the late great Ram Dass once described as ‘a karmic predicament.’ Our charts reflect that predicament – but, much more encouragingly, they also contain methods for dealing with it. Bottom line, if we are attached to anything — fear, lust, money, shame, status, whatever — it’s an aspect of our ego that’s holding our soul back. As we resolve it, we free our souls to hit Warp Drive. The simple point is that your chart tells you how to do that. That, in fact, is why you have that chart.” ~Steven Forrest

If this resonates with your inner knowing, you can join the FCEA (Forrest Center for Evolutionary Astrology) Community as a Student or Member. For details, visit

Molly McCord, Un-paralleled Intuitive Astrologer for her dedication to providing in-depth and on-going weekly insight into the planetary configurations and the potentials on your life: past, present and future. (for weekly offerings) and

Henry Seltzer, Astrologer and software developer for the easy-to-use TimePassages Software without which it would be hard for a novice to ‘follow along.’

Kristin Fontana, Evolutionary Astrologer in the grande Tradition of Evolutionary Astrology Founder, Jeffrey Wolf Greene. When grappling with the extremely hard decision of releasing the ‘information’ that the entirety of this website discloses it was Kristin who asked me to meditate on the following: “When you are no longer in your physical body, and you’re looking back upon your life, what would your Soul have wanted you to do?”

Rick Levine, Intuitive and utterly detailed Evolutionary Astrology presented with fun, dedication, and the exactness that belies our place in The Universe.

“A child is born on that day and at that hour when the celestial rays are in mathematical harmony with his or her karma. The resulting horoscope is a challenging portrait revealing his or her unalterable past, and its’ probable future result. But the natal chart can only be rightly interpreted by women and men of intuitive wisdom: these are few.” ~Sri Yukteswar, Master to Paramahansa Yogananda.