
This is a conversation about Integrity In Truth… ❦

We are entwined…in the most miraculous of Ways…perhaps most especially with regard to our Soul’s journey.

It is important to bring areas of harm, abuse, control and manipulation to light so teachers, organizations and seekers can grow, evolve and continue to make a positive impact on the world…with integrity and accountability.

This is a complex story. Please begin here: https://integrityintruth.com/clarification-of-videos/

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About this site…

May this site bring greater awareness to shadow areas…areas lacking in Integrity and causing harm…in high-level Non-dual Teachings.

This is a complex story involving many players. Please begin here: https://integrityintruth.com/clarification-of-videos/

“God does take care of all things…karmically speaking…but at times we need to ring the bell.”

Consider this site to be ‘a bell’ …and a place for hope and renewal. ❦

Front Page Section 2 Content for Twenty Seventeen Theme

Thank you for visiting this site. ❦

The purpose: to bring to light the harmful transgressions and out-of-integrity actions within the non-dual ‘spiritual’ teaching community and my path through the systemic lies and controls of teachers: Nome and Russell Smith of The Society of Abidance in Truth in Santa Cruz, CA and Candice O’Denver, aka Ziji Rinpoche (and numerous other aliases), of ShortMoments.com and/or OpenIntelligenceAndLove.com in Marin, CA.…aided by Adyashanti, Gangaji and numerous others currently acting as teachers in the non-dual space.

To come forth with this ‘information’ was, no-doubt, the hardest decision of this lifetime.  It was a decision to be devoted, solely, to Truth and to the integrity of Truth…and to end a karmic cycle, perhaps lasting lifetimes, of being silenced at the hands of spiritual teachers.

Please note that this site represents a complex process of healing and unfolding. As such, this voice – which had been silenced under existential threat – will, ultimately, reveal the full-scope of this breach on this website. This is a complex story. Please begin here: https://integrityintruth.com/clarification-of-videos/

As my own process unfolds…and my voice is in complete alignment with the necessity to tell-the-truth untainted by past devotions etc…this website will undergo changes until the entirety of the story is public. The essential message and, of course, the facts…stay entirely the same. ❦