Many contemporary non-dual teachers equate radical non-duality with highest Spirituality.
Not true.
Radical non-duality is NOT the equivalent of ‘God’ nor of true Spirituality.
Non-duality is an aspect of such. But NOT the entirety.
True Spirituality —The Christ or The Buddha — would never negate the Human nor would they manipulate and control:
The Dogma of Patriarchal Control & Occult Manipulation:⚛️https://integrityintruth.com/clarification-of-videos/the-dogma-of-patriarchal-control/
Letter to the ASI (Association for Spiritual ‘Integrity’):⚛️https://www.dropbox.com/s/hga3c7zpo1v973j/ASI%20Letter%2003%3A06%3A23.pdf?dl=0&e=1&fbclid=IwAR2hNCDCiHgzRQrXqce9WFFH5vgHGHoGlda3PUlGKT2n1qMuoFfoMadMbvs
ACIM and radical non-duality (Neo-Advaita) are cut from the same cloth. These are teachings which negate the Human as ‘unreal’…leaving infinite space for all manner of harm, control and manipulation… not to mention the hidden use of the occult (siddis.)
The Existential Danger of Radical Non-Duality:⚛️https://integrityintruth.com/the-existential-danger-of-radical-non-duality/
Andrew LeCompte talks of his experiences in ACIM (A Course in Miracles) on the cult-reporting program ‘A Little Bit Culty:’⚛️https://alittlebitculty.com/episode/a-journey-of-love-andrew-lecompte-on-a-course-in-miracles
As David Bingham so beautifully describes:
“…I would like to add that in this modern age the Neo-Advaitan tradition of the truth existing ultimately in the sphere of the non-dual (which is followed by so many, with so many esteemed teachers ) is a deeply flawed model of understanding of the nature of the human condition and its relationship with the Infinite. It is a form of understanding which has an in-built tendency to deeply exacerbate illusions concerning the experiences of life and in turn to generate rigidities around its interpretation. In doing so it has great potential to be harmful to the fundamental well-being of its adherents, all the more so because it dresses itself in the clothes of liberation. It is a false and incomplete freedom of the age.” ~David Bingham
There is a reason the systems of Neo-Advaita (radical non-duality) and ACIM use highly protective and controlling methods such as insularity, exclusiveness, the false alignment with true Teachers and Scripture, systemic deception and manipulation (often using the occult).
Be aware (beware) where there is a lack of integrity…where the front-does-not-match-the-back.
Integrity is key.
We’ve all seen that one can be awake to Wholeness and yet that, in no way, means one is free from shadow or is somehow a balanced and decent human.
One can be awake to the Oneness and still be creating delusions and, worse yet, harming others in the process.
As long as we don human body there is shadow…and mistakes can, and are, easily made.
It’s what a conscious person actually does once a mistake (Yes, there are mistakes and there is harm) has occurred that is the true mark of an evolved Soul.
Please feel free to contact me should you have anything to share related to this content or any questions: ⚛️ Leslie@integrityintruth.com
(Top Image: The ever appropriate words of Jeff Brown, Enrealment Press and where expletives are, most certainly, appropriate!)