As-Above-So-Below…and the necessity of truth-telling

“Lies are the royal road to chaos.” ~Sam Harris

There are many who knew/know that Nome and Russell Smith were/are serial liars. Of the many shadow elements of these teachers, deception was/is the most serious.

Not everyone sees through the energy of lying. Yet I remember, during one Sunday’s Satsang, when the lies were SO thick I wondered HOW-on-earth those teachers could possibly keep track of all the lies!

There is a certain level of clairvoyance here. 

When it was discovered that I had seen through the lies of Nome and Russ…and would not (could not) go along with the narrative they were putting forth…which pitted one teacher-against-the-other…Nome and Russ, ultimately, determined the only way to save their deceptions would be to foist the entirety of the karma for their lies and deceptions on these shoulders. 

That decision was, additionally, supported by many in the non-dual space….a collective shadow, so to speak that included the active participation of Adyashanti…and many in the Open-Gate Community. Additionally, other-wise well-regarded non-dual teachers such as Gangaji, Jeannie Zandi and others were complicit in the cover-up to keep those lies buried throughout the non-dual space.

(The ‘Compression Years’…of isolation and deliberate silencing (under threat) at the hands of non-dual teachers…in which Adyashanti played a significant role: ⚛️ )

Rather than tell-the-truth…rather than owning-their-own-actions…both Nome and Russ were sure that I would be willing to martyr this life for purposes of ensuring their lies would never become public knowledge.

As a very devoted person I, too, felt that not only I could hold those lies…but I also felt that I should hold those lies. Little did I realize the psychology and ramifications of denying and betraying myself for the actions of others. We, at SAT (the Society of Abidance in Truth), had ALWAYS been taught that giving your life, and your self, was a spiritual attribute — a definite aspect of patriarchal non-duality. So I was well-trained in that respect. Additionally the masculine and feminine aspects of my temperament were way out-of-balance and tended towards remaining obedient and acquiescent, especially to spiritual ‘authority.’

When I made the momentous decision to begin reporting on those lies, that decision was akin to the energy needed to turning around…and righting…a huge ocean-liner in the ocean 180°…a decision which, I knew, would leave me with no others to support me. This would be a story told on my own. 

Coffee Lane and the *many* engaging in sweeping deception: ⚛️

The systemic deception and collusion within the non-dual community: ⚛️…/

Paul Selig’s message that this ‘was not intentional to me’ yet the existential controls were most definitely intentional to me: ⚛️…/the-move-to-portland/

Letter to the ASI (Association for Spiritual ‘Integrity’): ⚛️

Thank you for following my work dedicated to the integrity in ‘Truth’ teachings. ❦

Please feel free to contact me should you have anything to share related to this content or any questions: ⚛️

(Image: The Ship, courtesy Bing Images)

The Colluding Role of Adyashanti and Open-Gate

A Deep Burn in what (only) appears to be Truth

The following was in conversation with a FB friend and currently acting teacher regarding Adyashanti’s knowledge… and cover…for Nome, Russell Smith and Candace O’Denver:

I begin with a ‘bit’ of clarification regarding Kiran’s ‘honesty’….

While, I appreciated the feminine aspect of authenticity that Kiran Trace deJaray brought to the teachings there was, also, an obvious dishonesty regarding the reason and purpose of the time she spent with me.

She was not the only one in such a position.

Kiran was one of several who had been sent to spend time with me. This may have even been a paid job as it was with the following:

-Michael Harrington 

-Steven Walters

-Marilyn Madden

-Kiran Trace

All 4 have very close ties with Adyashanti. 

Those four (and, later, Prajna Ginty and Kristy Thompson) spent inordinate amounts of time with me.

Marilyn Madden invited me to gatherings at Prema Akasha’s (she was then the “Creative Director” for Open Gate and who, now, goes by Maja Apolonia Rode) where Bentinho, Michael Harrington, Benjamin Smythe (who had his knowledge of my situation written all over his face…as did Rupert Spira during the 2 Satsangs of his that I attended in 2013 with Nishkala Leslie Jennings (who, also, was sent!!), etc would gather. 

Being from the highly air-tight and insular SAT (Society of Abidance in Truth in Santa Cruz, CA), at the time I knew none of these people.

Some have gone to great lengths to protect Adya’s brand…for obvious reasons. 

Yet, from Adya’s talks, in Santa Cruz,  the cover for Nome was apparent. 

Even mentioning such a connection of Adya’s ties with Nome to Sonya Amrita Bibilos, Marilyn Madden, John Thomas and others draws extreme reactions and, in the case of Marilyn, gaslighting that is over-the-top.

The reactions of those three tell a lot…yet SAT and Open Gate were always revolving doors.

Mary Winslow, who was very close to my kids and who eventually left for Open Gate, wore her distress about this situation all over her face. I ran into Mary and Peter outside the Nickelodeon theater in Santa Cruz where we had just (appropriately) seen ‘Diving Bell and The Butterfly”…a movie which amazingly described being physically silenced after a car accident resulting in complete paralysis with the exception of being able to blink one eye.

I was in shock from that movie as it was the very beginning of feeling my life had literally been taken.

While much of this is sensitivity and intuition there were also clairvoyant messages, particularly of other teachers tied to Nome. I didn’t know, at the time, what clairvoyance even was/is…but thoughts/feelings of others (some whom I had never met) would come streaming in.

Why am I reporting on this? 

for myself, for Stan (my father), for Em and Ty (my daughter and son), for my two grandkids (the youngest of whom would not recognize me), for those who have also been harmed by these teachers…and, ultimately, for the Truth. 

Gratitude to one who had the courage to say it ‘out loud’:

“…everyone plays dumb to maintain a whitewashed narrative — at your expense …(and) is lying about the same thing…”

Honesty and integrity are values that I will not compromise on.

The extent of these deceptions is steep…and it is systemic.

❦ Feel free to contact me at with any questions:

Photo: A Deep Burn in what (only) appears to be Truth…taken with an iPhone 13 in NW Portland. ?⚖️?❤️

The Silencing Dynamic of Overspeak

Spinning the Energy

In addition to having been silenced (under threat) for a decade, as a ‘sensitive’ I have noticed there are people who engage in the dynamic of ‘over-speak’ for purposes of, essentially, silencing…making it impossible to get a word in edgewise. 

These are some of the very folks who are colluding with and covering for my former teacher in the attempt to keep a ‘story’ — involving existential and deceptive harm — from ever becoming public knowledge.

The first time I noticed this dynamic was in talking to Nome’s wife, Sasvati. It was during the time when a ‘story’ had been passed around about me and, because of that, most were avoiding me.

Character Assassination

I was in the Lotus Room (a waiting room) at SAT and there was no place else to sit…except next to Sasvati on the couch.

Never in the history of SAT — or anywhere else for that matter — have I ever witnessed someone talk so long and with zero time for any participation of a conversation.

It was the first time I ever experienced ‘over-speak’ for purposes of keeping me from getting a word in edgewise.

The next time I noticed this dynamic was in a meeting with Aile Shebar.  Aile was one of the first of my FaceBook friends that I met in person. We met north of Santa Cruz for lunch and a walk at the home of her uncle.  

At this lunch there was, once again, this incessant monologue in which there was very little, if any, room for participation. 

Again, on a Tuscan walking tour with David Whyte. (It should be noted that Aile was hugely encouraging of this trip on which there were also other dynamics at play that had Nome’s signature.) We had met up with a very special gathering to hear a Dante expert.

I had a hugely curious question regarding Italians and how beauty permeates every aspect of their culture. I was curious if Italian cultural Beauty is a product of their language and the way they formulate thoughts (and their world) in that language?  I attempted to ask my question by raising my hand. It became apparent that David was deliberately ignoring my raised hand until, finally, the Dante expert insisted on calling on me. 

The latest example of this dynamic was with a reading by astrologer whose astrology software I use and appreciate. I was interested in a reading from him for several reasons. One…he lives in Santa Cruz. Two…I very much enjoy the software. Three…he’s an expert on the planetary archetype of Eris. Of any modality I feel Evolutionary Astrology offers the clearest path to the understanding of the Soul’s journey. 

Additionally I feel Nome is ‘friendly’ with a great many conscious astrologers. In this zoom session it became apparent that he, too, was not going to let me get a word in edgewise as, right out-of-the-gate, he used the popular spiritual meme to ‘let-go-of-the-past’ to keep me quiet. At this point, however, I had very much regained my voice and, several times, elbowed my way in! I was kind of hoping that a prominent astrologer such as Henry would see the truth of the statement that ‘the cosmos doesn’t lie, people do.’

This dynamic…which played out in these different scenarios had the very same flavor to each one. It was not merely the flavor of a particularly talkative personality…but of an energy of abject ‘control.’

Each person involved was/is colluding and covering up for the lies and deceptions of Nome, et al. 

Once again, my intention is not to single out any particular individual(s) but to weave my reporting in such a way as to indicate the systemic level-of-cover for these teachers that exists in the conscious community. 

Indeed, there’s a fond-ness, an appreciation and a ‘certain level of respect’….but not enough to betray my own self-respect and the integrity of Truth itself.

This shadow of lying, silencing and cover-up I feel is a remnant of patriarchal systems. 

In saying that, it is also evident that men and women carry that shadow equally as, in this example, there were two women and two men who engaged in this energetic dynamic of the control of a ‘conversation’ in order that they not be confronted with me speaking face-to-face the actual truth they were/are so intent on covering up.

My deepest gratitude that you are following this story. ❦?

Should you have any questions, whatsoever, please contact me at:

(Photo image taken with an iPhone X in NW Portland)

Ajata…and the Wide-Open-Door-to-Abuse

Ajata…radical Non-Duality or ‘nothing-ever-occurred’…is a dangerous understanding without equal ‘weight’ given to the fact-of-our-Humanity and the responsibility of living in a human form.

The demonstrative avoidance and downright negation of the entirety our humanity as demonstrated by radical non-duality, is the single-most harmful aspect…leaving wide-open-the-door for actual abuse…in what is commonly referred to awakening teachings.

And the subsequent need for covering for the entirety of the non-dual structure such as we find in the smokescreen of oversight with the ‘Association for Spiritual Integrity’…

Please feel free to contact me at with any questions. ❦

(Photo: Natural Freedom Harmed…taken with an iPhone X in NW Portland)

Ensnared by Occult Powers

 “It is my belief that 90 percent of the so-called masters in the modern world are not enlightened at all but are in fact occult magicians. The occult magician will use his or her occult powers to ensnare the devotee in a posture of adoration by feeding them visionary experiences, which may seem to open things up for the devotee but actually keeps one dependent on the guru. It’s a kind of drug pushing as dangerous on the spiritual level as cocaine or heroin is on the physical. Because people don’t know the difference between the divine and the occult, nor how accurately the occult can mimic the divine, nor how easily occult powers can be cultivated by the unscrupulous and ambitious. They take these powers and experiences to be unmistakeable signs of divine presence and go on worshipping as divine these people who have, in fact, shown that they are neither good, nor kind, nor humble, nor generous.”

~Interview with Andrew Harvey, Yoga Journal, July/August 1995

Along with certain levels of awakening there comes the access to differing levels of occult powers, variously known by such names as black magic, siddis, voodoo etc. These powers are generally known to exist by most cultures around the world…except by those of us in the West!

When aligning yourself with a teacher…no matter how clear they may present themselves…it is always a good precaution to pay attention to the subtler signs of shadow.

In the case with teachers: Nome and Russell Smith of SAT (The Society of Abidance in Truth in Santa Cruz, CA) and Candace O’Denver, aka Candice Rinpoche of Great Freedom/Balanced View in Marin…that shadow took the form of lies and deceptions…of which I became the ‘holder’ for.

Due to the sensitivity of the lies I was holding there were over-arching controls placed on this life to keep this ‘information’ from going public.

What occurred in this life to keep that ‘information’ from surfacing has been variously described as the ‘Soul’s torture chamber’…as akin to being ‘buried alive’…etc.

The controls over this life involved not only physical surveillance but extreme violations involving psychic violations utilizing auric blocks for purposes of relational control and psychic implants for extreme surveillance.

Detecting high-level siddis (occult powers) is almost impossible for human eyes.

If I had one piece of advice for anyone…whether on a spiritual path or not…it would be: “Clear your auric field daily.”

(Photo image ‘Ensnared’…taken with an iPhone X in NW Portland)