As-Above-So-Below…and the necessity of truth-telling

“Lies are the royal road to chaos.” ~Sam Harris

There are many who knew/know that Nome and Russell Smith were/are serial liars. Of the many shadow elements of these teachers, deception was/is the most serious.

Not everyone sees through the energy of lying. Yet I remember, during one Sunday’s Satsang, when the lies were SO thick I wondered HOW-on-earth those teachers could possibly keep track of all the lies!

There is a certain level of clairvoyance here. 

When it was discovered that I had seen through the lies of Nome and Russ…and would not (could not) go along with the narrative they were putting forth…which pitted one teacher-against-the-other…Nome and Russ, ultimately, determined the only way to save their deceptions would be to foist the entirety of the karma for their lies and deceptions on these shoulders. 

That decision was, additionally, supported by many in the non-dual space….a collective shadow, so to speak that included the active participation of Adyashanti…and many in the Open-Gate Community. Additionally, other-wise well-regarded non-dual teachers such as Gangaji, Jeannie Zandi and others were complicit in the cover-up to keep those lies buried throughout the non-dual space.

(The ‘Compression Years’…of isolation and deliberate silencing (under threat) at the hands of non-dual teachers…in which Adyashanti played a significant role: ⚛️ )

Rather than tell-the-truth…rather than owning-their-own-actions…both Nome and Russ were sure that I would be willing to martyr this life for purposes of ensuring their lies would never become public knowledge.

As a very devoted person I, too, felt that not only I could hold those lies…but I also felt that I should hold those lies. Little did I realize the psychology and ramifications of denying and betraying myself for the actions of others. We, at SAT (the Society of Abidance in Truth), had ALWAYS been taught that giving your life, and your self, was a spiritual attribute — a definite aspect of patriarchal non-duality. So I was well-trained in that respect. Additionally the masculine and feminine aspects of my temperament were way out-of-balance and tended towards remaining obedient and acquiescent, especially to spiritual ‘authority.’

When I made the momentous decision to begin reporting on those lies, that decision was akin to the energy needed to turning around…and righting…a huge ocean-liner in the ocean 180°…a decision which, I knew, would leave me with no others to support me. This would be a story told on my own. 

Coffee Lane and the *many* engaging in sweeping deception: ⚛️

The systemic deception and collusion within the non-dual community: ⚛️…/

Paul Selig’s message that this ‘was not intentional to me’ yet the existential controls were most definitely intentional to me: ⚛️…/the-move-to-portland/

Letter to the ASI (Association for Spiritual ‘Integrity’): ⚛️

Thank you for following my work dedicated to the integrity in ‘Truth’ teachings. ❦

Please feel free to contact me should you have anything to share related to this content or any questions: ⚛️

(Image: The Ship, courtesy Bing Images)